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Course Curriculum

Introduction to Advance Your Photography
Welcome to the Advance Your Photography Course 00:02:00
Basic Photography Composition Tips to Improve Your Photography
How Composition Improves Your Photography 00:02:00
Rule of Thirds | Photography Composition Refresher 00:10:00
Centering | Photography Composition Refresher 00:07:00
Leading Lines | Photography Composition Refresher 00:12:00
Symmetry & Balance | Photography Composition Refresher 00:08:00
Negative Space | Photography Composition Refresher 00:08:00
Framing within a Frame | Photography Composition Refresher 00:11:00
Advanced Photography Composition Tips to Improve Your Photography
Introduction to the Pro Composition Tips Section 00:01:00
Clean Up Your Frame | Pro Photography Tip 00:06:00
Add Layers | Pro Photography Tip 00:08:00
Capture Patterns & Textures | Pro Photography Tip 00:05:00
Look for Spot Color | Pro Photography Tip 00:04:00
Juxtapose Elements | Pro Photography Tip 00:05:00
Shoot Diagonal Lines | Pro Photography Tip 00:04:00
Find a Unique Vantage Point | Pro Photography Tip 00:10:00
Leave Space for Motion | Pro Photography Tip 00:07:00
Spot Reflections | Pro Photography Tip 00:06:00
Break the Pattern | Pro Photography Tip 00:03:00
The Rule of Odds | Pro Photography Tip 00:05:00
Fill the Frame | Pro Photography Tip 00:09:00
Left to Right Theory | Pro Photography Tip 00:05:00
Solo Color | Pro Photography Tip 00:05:00
Wait for the Decisive Moment | Pro Photography Tip 00:11:00
Lighting & How to Improve Your Photography with Better Lighting
Introduction to How Lighting Improves Photography 00:03:00
Types of Light in Photography 00:05:00
Light Direction and How it Improves Your Photography 00:12:00
Hard vs. Soft Light and How it Improves Your Photography 00:06:00
Light Temperature and How it Improves Your Photography 00:05:00
Improve Your Photography with these Natural Lighting Tips 00:08:00
Improve Your Photography with these Artificial Lighting Tips 00:06:00
Storytelling Improves Your Photography
How Story Will Improve Your Photography 00:03:00
People & Storytelling | Improve Your Photography with Better Story 00:06:00
Objects & Storytelling | Improve Your Photography with Better Story 00:05:00
Improve Your Stories with Color, Photo Series, Decisive Moment 00:04:00
Get Inspired to Take Better Photos
How to Get Photography Inspiration When You’re Feeling Uninspired 00:06:00
Editing & How to Improve Your Photography with Better Editing
How to Improve Your Photography with Editing 00:05:00
Equipment & How to Improve Your Photography with Tools & Equipment
How to Improve Your Photography with Equipment & Tools 00:05:00
Advanced Photography Conclusion & Thank You
Advance Your Photography Course Wrap-Up & Thank You 00:02:00